
What to pack for family travel

We travel with two Nevis 65 litre rucksacks by Mountain Warehouse. They come with detachable smaller packs which provide an additional 15 litres each. We use these for hand luggage on planes and for day trips.

We like the adjustable straps which fit us both well. The Nevis rucksacks come with rain covers, a padded internal laptop pocket, compression straps, lots of pockets, top and side carry handles, and a gazillion zips.

We use packing cubes to keep everything organised. Packing cubes are awesome!

The kids also each have a small rucksack and carry their own bedtime snugglies, pens, books and toys. They love the responsibility of bringing their own things.

How to pack light for long-term family travel

Every family has different needs and travel styles.

We are on the road for weeks (and sometimes months) at a time so we have to carry everything we need.

We pack a small amount of versatile clothing that we can layer for different climates and weather conditions.

To reduce how much stuff we carry, we do laundry along the way.

We also occasionally post things home to ourselves such as books we’ve finished reading or small souvenirs. When we reached the end of our Australia trip we posted home a box with our swim suits, beach shoes and snorkelling gear. It cost us £40 but it saved so much effort lugging all that stuff around Japan!

This is our current packing list, refined over many trips. It works for us and our travel style.

  • Clothing (each)

    7 x underwear
    4 x pairs of socks
    1 x long sleeve t shirt
    3 x short sleeve t shirts
    1 x hoodie jumper
    3 x trousers or shorts

  • Shoes & outerwear (each)

    1 x pair of slip on trainers
    1 x pair of walking boots with quick-tie laces *
    1 x pair of flip-flops or aqua shoes
    1 x waterproof jacket

    *No more time wasted tying kids’ shoe laces!

  • Toiletries

    Toothbrushes and toothpaste
    Shampoo and soap bar
    Razor, spare blades and shaving gel
    Nail scissors

  • Electronics and tech

    Mobile phones
    Lots of charging cables
    Global plug adaptor with multiple USB ports
    Battery packs

  • First aid

    Insect repellent and bite cream
    Sun cream
    Antiseptic wipes

  • Documents & money

    Travel insurance
    Vaccination certificates
    1 debit card and 2 credit cards
    Driving licenses
    International driver permits

  • Swimwear

    Baseball caps
    Swimming costumes
    Thin and light microfibre travel towels
    Snorkel masks

  • Other equipment

    Totes for laundry and shopping
    Spare glasses
    Pens and notepads
    Soft toys and small games
    Reusable water bottles
    Enamel bowls, chopsticks and lightweight cutlery

Here is all our stuff waiting to be packed.

And this is what it looks like folded and zipped away in the packing cubes.

* Did we mention that packing cubes are awesome?!

And here it was in our backpacks waiting to hit the road before our Iceland / USA / South America 2022 trip.

* the big backpacks weigh about 12kg when completely full - well under airlines’ usual 15kg or 23kg luggage allowance.